
Below is an unordered list of rules used by publint for linting.


If there are no entrypoints specified, e.g. via the "main", "module", and "exports" fields, it's assumed that the root index.js is the default entrypoint (if it exists). If the file has an invalid format, the error is reported.

An invalid format is defined as whether it has correct ESM or CJS usage. If a code is written in ESM or CJS, it doesn't mean that it would be interpreted as ESM or CJS respectively. In brief, it's dictated by:

  • If the file extension is .mjs, or if the closest package.json has "type": "module", it's interpreted as ESM.
  • If the file extension is .cjs, or if the closest package.json does not have "type": "module", it's interpreted as CJS.

publint will check these two behaviour if the file will be intepreted correctly.


If the file has an invalid format through explicit entrypoints, e.g. the "main", "module", and "exports" fields, the error is reported.

Invalid format checks are the same as above.


If the file has an invalid format through explicit entrypoints, e.g. the "main", "module", and "exports" fields, and the file has an explicit extension, e.g. .mjs and .cjs, the error is reported.

Invalid format checks are the same as above, except scoped down for explicit extensions for better error messages.


JSX extensions such as .cjsx, .mjsx, .ctsx, and .mtsx are invalid and are usually mistaken as ESM and CJS variants of JSX. Many tooling don't support these extensions by default. Instead they should be written in plain ESM using the .jsx extension.


The specified file does not exist.


The specified file exists locally but isn't published to npm. This error only appears when running publint locally.


The module field should be ESM only as per convention.


If the package has a "module" field, but has no "exports" field, suggest to use "exports" instead. This is because Node.js doesn't recognize the "module" field, so instead using "exports" would increase compatibility with it.

If the package isn't meant for Node.js usage, it is safe to ignore this suggestion, but it is still recommended to use "exports" whenever possible.


If the "main" field is in ESM, but there's no "exports" field, it's recommended to use the "exports" field instead as it's initially introduced for better ESM compatibility.

If you're not supporting Node.js 12.6 and below, you can also remove the "main" field as all tooling would read from "exports" only and skip "main".


If the "exports" field contains glob paths, but it doesn't match any files, report this issue.


The "exports" field should not have globs defined with trailing slashes. It is deprecated and should use subpath patterns, e.g. a trailing /* instead.


Ensure the "module" condition comes before the "require" condition. Due to the way conditions are matched top-to-bottom, the "module" condition (used in bundler contexts only) must come before a "require" condition, so it has the opportunity to take precedence.


Ensure "types" condition to be the first. The TypeScript docs recommends so, but it's also because the "exports" field is order-based.

For example, a scenario where both the "types" and "import" condition could be active, "types" should be first so that it matches and returns a .d.ts file, rather than a .js file from the "import" condition.


Since TypeScript 5.0, it has supported the "moduleResolution": "bundler" compiler option which has stricter rules on loading types (Additionally also affected by "node16" and nodenext", and the "resolvePackageJsonExports" compiler option).

When an "exports" field is found, only the "types" condition declared is respected, or if the resolved JS file has the correct adjacent .d.ts file. For example:

  • ./dist/index.js -> ./dist/index.d.ts
  • ./dist/index.mjs -> ./dist/index.d.mts
  • ./dist/index.cjs -> ./dist/index.d.cts.

The root "types" field is ignored to respect the "exports" field module resolution algorithm.

This message may also provide helpful hints depending on the types format, which is explained below.


Since TypeScript 5.0, it has emphasized that type files (*.d.ts) are also affected by its ESM and CJS context, and both contexts affect how the exported types is interpreted. This means that you can't share a single type file for both ESM and CJS exports of your library. You need to have two type files (albeit largely similar contents) when dual-publishing your library.

When specifying the "types" conditions in the "exports" field, the types format is determined via its extension or its closest package.json "type" value, similar to the rule in IMPLICIT_INDEX_JS_INVALID_FORMAT. In short:

  • If the file ends with .d.mts, or if it's .d.ts and the closest package.json has "type": "module", it's interpreted as ESM.
  • If the file ends with .d.cjs, or if it's .d.ts and the closest package.json does not have "type": "module", it's interpreted as CJS.

This rule is inspired from which has a more in-depth explanation. If you get a message of:

  1. ... types is interpreted as CJS ...: see Masquerading as CJS.
  2. ... types is interpreted as ESM ...: see Masquerading as ESM.

An example of a correct configuration looks like this:

  "exports": {
    "import": {
      "types": "./index.d.mts",
      "default": "./index.mjs"
    "require": {
      "types": "./index.d.cts",
      "default": "./index.cjs"


Ensure "default" condition to be the last according to the Node.js docs, but it's also because the "exports" field is order-based.

The example above also applies here as to why it should be last.


The "module" condition should be ESM only. This condition is used to prevent the dual package hazard in bundlers so import and require will both resolve to this condition, deduplicating the dual instances. The esbuild docs has a more in-depth explanation.


The "exports" field value should always start with a ./. It does not support omitted relative paths like "subpath/index.js".


When a library has the "main", "module", or similar root entrypoint fields, and it also defines the "exports" field, the "exports" value should also export the root entrypoint as when it's defined, it will always take the highest priority over the other fields, including "main" and "module".


A "browser" field with a string value works similarly to the "exports" "browser" condition, to define the browser-specific exports of a package. Between the two, it's usually better to use the "exports" field instead as it's standardized, widely supported, and keeps one true way of defining your package entrypoints.


The "browser" field with an object value works similarly to the "exports"/"imports" "browser" condition, to define the browser-specific exports of a package. Between the two, it's usually better to use the "exports"/"imports" field instead as it's standardized, widely supported, and keeps one true way of defining your package entrypoints.

For example, the following "browser" field can be converted like below.


  "browser": {
    "module-a": "./shims/module-a.js",
    "module-b": false,
    "./server/only.js": "./shims/client-only.js"


  "imports": {
    "#module-a": {
      "browser": "./shims/module-a.js",
      "default": "module-a"
    "#module-b": {
      "browser": "./empty.js",
      "default": "module-b"
    "#server-only.js": {
      "browser": "./shims/client-only.js",
      "default": "./server/only.js"

Note that you'll need to change all imports to use the specifier defined in the "imports" field. For example, import foo from "module-a" -> import foo from "#module-a".

Depending on your setup, you can also use the "exports" field to directly export the browser-specific entrypoint. For example:

  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "browser": "./lib.browser.js",
      "default": "./lib.js"


Internal tests or config files are published, which are usually not needed and unused. You can use the "files" field to only publish certain files. For example:

  "files": ["src", "index.js", "index.d.ts"]


Node.js v21.1.0 adds a new --experimental-detect-module, which can be used to automatically run ES modules when ESM syntax can be detected. Node.js hopes to make detection enabled by default in the future. Detection increases startup time, so Node is encouraging everyone — especially package authors — to add a type field to package.json, even for the default "type": "commonjs".


Some package.json fields has a set of allowed types, e.g. string or object only. If an invalid type is passed, this error message will be showed.


When an "exports" value resolved with a browser-ish condition matches a key in the "browser" field object, this means the "exports" value is overriden by that matching "browser" key. This may cause build issues as the intended "exports" value is no longer used. For example, given this setup:

  "browser": {
    "./lib.server.js": "./lib.browser.js"
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "worker": "./lib.server.js",
      "browser": "./lib.browser.js",
      "default": "./lib.server.js"

When matching the "worker" condition, it will resolve to "./lib.server.js" which is intended to work in a worker environment. However, the "browser" field also has a matching mapping for "./lib.server.js", causing the final resolved path to be "./lib.browser.js".

This is usually not intended and causes the wrong file to be loaded. If it is intended, the "worker" condition should point to "./lib.browser.js" directly instead.

To fix this, you can rename "./lib.server.js" to "./lib.worker.js" for example so it has its own specific file. Or check out the USE_EXPORTS_OR_IMPORTS_BROWSER rule to refactor away the "browser" field.


The "jsnext:main" and "jsnext" fields are deprecated. The "module" field should be used instead. See this issue for more information.


publint is able to detect some cases where the "repository" field is not a valid and may not properly display on The sub-rules below are mostly based on the "repository" field docs.

  • If "repository" is a string, it must be one of the supported shorthand strings from the docs.
  • If "repository" is an object with "type": "git", the "url" must be a valid git URL and can be parsed by npm.
  • The git:// protocol for GitHub repos should not be used due security concerns.
  • GitHub or GitLab links should be prefixed with git+ and postfixed with .git. (This is also warned by npm when publishing a package).

An example config that meets these criterias may look like this:

  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+"